Veijo Kontas
Physical age 49, mental age much less, ham since 1969.
Call sign(s)
DX operations: 2001 5W0VK, A35VK, 2004 FO/OH6KN (Australis Island), 2008 FO/OH1RX (Marquesas Island)
When did you start contesting?
In the early 70s from OH6 land. Participation mainly in SACs, but some WW,WAE, etc from OH6AC, OH6AH, OH6JW and OH6KN.
What are your goals in contesting?
Some casual contesting to keep up the pileup skills and to develop further a world leading automated station
Which are your favorite contests and why?
SAC, WW and Top Band contests. SAC is the race for the Scandinavian Top Spot and the conditions treat everyone roughly the same. WW is the Monaco of the F1s with the world going crazy. Top band contest is quite exiting from the land of Aurora and 12 hour gray line.
Most memorable Contest, explain why
WAE in in 1978 from OH6JW’s superstation of the time. I was astonished to experience a 3 element yagi on 40 meters, where eg. Central America came in S9 .
Sweetest Victory, why
No notable victories due to being a casual contester. My climax is, when a top score is raced from Arkala and the machine has lasted 48 hours without any engine explosions or tire problems.
Personal Contest improvement target areas
2R operation, balancing mults with Qs, more rigorous planning of targets during the contest and band changes.
Other interests in Life
Culinary food and wine, cooking, traveling, work.
Contact details
oh6kn –Ät- sral –dot- fi