Kim Östman
33 (Born 1978)
Call sign(s)
When did you start contesting?
In early 1994 both on HF and VHF, immediately after I received my novice license. I even teamed up with my father OH6GE for a M/S entry in WPX CW that May, with him working on 20m and me working with 30W on the other bands that I was allowed on as a novice
What are your goals in contesting?
To beat the record, have a positive impact on the ham community, improve my skills in utilizing propagation knowledge, and to have fun!
Which are your favorite contests and why?
CQWW CW. I prefer CW as a mode, and the level of activity created by CQWW is nothing short of amazing. The contest combines much that I find best and most challenging in radiosport: a chance to capitalize on SO2R skills to the max, knowing how to work difficult geographical regions and country multipliers on different bands while keeping up high rates, and the need for operating accuracy.
Most memorable Contest, explain why
The CQ 160m CW contest in 2009, worked from OH4A. The conditions towards the west were just about beyond description, with the band sounding nearly like 20m towards the USA at times. I will probably never experience such a thing on 160m again. Another very memorable one is CQWW SSB 2011 from OH8X with its maximum-like conditions on 10m (I was QRT most of the previous solar maximum so it was quite "new" to me), an effort where I had to give up 7 hours early because of high fever but still managed to score an OH record.
Sweetest Victory, why
Winning Scandinavia in CQWW CW 2007 from OH4A. It was my first serious SOAB HP effort in CQWW from a big station, the adrenaline was flowing, Jukka's station worked great, I got better with SO2R, and even managed to beat OH8X.
Personal Contest improvement target areas
Proper diet and mental/physical preparation, SO2R operating, keeping things going during the most difficult hours
Other interests in Life
History, studies, keeping up my piano skills
Contact details
oh6kzp <at> sral <dot> fi